What is it about pharmaceutical companies that make them think it's okay to push drugs on society against their will? Flouride and chromium are in our water supply. Now they want to add statins to the mix. Seriously, people.
Are you okay with being drugged? Are you okay with the cities, companies and health officials deciding what medicine you need to be taking?
Statins have serious side-effects and they want to add it to drinking water - water our children drink. Water that we all drink. If you don't already have a good filter in your house, you might want to consider one now.
It's been said our water supply already has statins. I don't know if that's true or not but I can tell you that I've had enough of other people telling me what's "good for me." Science fiction has met reality a little too many times in recent history.
Sometimes I wish I had 500 acres in Wyoming or Montana and lived off the grid. Actually, I wish that more than sometimes, I wish it every day. Lotto, when are you going to call my numbers?
Gryffin's Tail has moved!
Gryffin's Tail has a new home. It got too hard to mirror to this site. I don't maintain this site anymore.
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To all my email followers, I've transferred the Feedburner address to the new site so you should start receiving emails again. I didn't know this page stopped mirroring until a day or so ago. I'm sorry you've missed out for the last few months but the good news is that I don't post much so it'll be easy to catch up!
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