And after having to speak the name of that-other-organization-that-is-the-object-of-my-disdain, I'm going to follow it up with one I adore!
9 a.m.-4 p.m.
TACA Foundation Office
3070 Bristol St, Suite 340
Costa Mesa, CA 926260
Register Online at or call
Individual - Parent/Caregiver - $20
Couple - Parents/Caregivers - $35
Includes lunch
Goals of the Seminar
After receiving the diagnosis of autism for a beloved child (or
children), parents typically struggle as they search through various
resources to locate information needed to help their child the fastest.
The goal of the one-day Autism Journey orientation is to provide parents
and caretakers the ³jump start² they need at the beginning of their
journey from parents who have ³been there, done that.² In addition to
sage advice, parents who attend will receive: an overview of beginning
therapies and biomedical intervention, where to go for what information,
and recommended first steps. The seminar will be given by experienced
parents who volunteer their time in providing the education new parents
Who should Attend?
This one-day seminar is geared for parents and caretakers of children
affected by autism. Content will be provided in an overview
presentation with web and book resource information for additional
details. This seminar is geared to parents and caretakers new to the
autism journey (less than 15 months) who have not yet started a
behavioral/educational program or biomedical testing and interventions.