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Saturday, May 30, 2009


Here's a new product developed by Stan Kurtz and a portion of the proceeds go to Generation Rescue. Yes, I know the pics don't seem to fit but I'm not so computer savvy that I know how to make them smaller as I just copied and pasted from the site. I'm open to instructions but if you don't feel like going there with me, you can simply click RevitaPop above and it will take you to the site where you can see the full pictures. Or you can save the pics and view them from your desktop.

ReVitaPop compared to MB12 Injections for Autism

MB12 has been used most often in the subcutaneous injection form (small needles injecting MB12 into body fat).

In the MB12 Parent Group there are polls that show some children respond better to the shots and some children respond better to the the ReVitaPop.

On the Autism Research Institute Parent Report (Form 34) has only collected a small number of reports so far shows a great deal of children with autism respond to MB12 supplementation.

Effects of MB12

Based on video observation and QEEG monitoring, typical effects of MB12 may begin to occur within minutes (sometimes seconds) of the application. An experiment on QEEG activity showed changes almost instantly after MB12 administration. On video, Stan has recorded many subjects feeling better often within minutes and sometimes seconds. Besides autism, which MB12 can have both immediate and long-term benefits, most adults report that any improvements from MB12 occur within the first hour of administration.

The average administration seems to last about 24 hours, but every person is different. Some people that seem to become depleted of MB12 in hours, others seem to feel the benefits for days. Very interestingly, we see reports that for some people the need for MB12 decreases as time goes on. Additionally, the reduction of milk and wheat products, lessening complex carbohydrates and starches and improvements to intestinal flora may decrease the need for MB12. Some people, as in Stan's case, have reported that their need for MB12 completely diminishes over time.

QEEG Activity

In March of 2006, MB12 was shown to seemingly normalize brain waves of a 23 year old with DSM-IV Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). Testing included pre testing and 3 post tests including one immediately after administration. All test showed a dramatic lessoning of theta wave activity (3.5-7.5 Hz), which is common in attention challenges, and activity in the entire brain increased, while the subject was observed to be more relaxed and attentive while ocular “twittering” was greatly reduced. A more detailed report of this experiment is available here. This experiment was monitored by Jack Johnstone PhD from Q-Metrx.

University Study of MB12

Stan began meeting with the ADHD research team at UCLA to present his finding on MB12 . After much work, an IRB approved pilot study of MB12. Additionally a study is planned at California State Northridge.

SPECT Activity

In March of 2007, MB12 was shown to seemingly greatly improve brain blood flow of a 53 year old mom of two children with autism and personally struggling with fibromyalgia, depression, and symptoms of brain fog, trouble finding words, memory issues, attention issues and several other chronic symptoms. Along with other possible abnormalities, the baseline test shows a significant amount of hypoprofusion (reduced blood flow) in the temporal, frontal and prefrontal lobes. In the post testing, this individual was sprayed with MB12 50 minutes prior to the SPECT isotope being administered. In addition to the obvious temporal lobe improvement, the frontal lobes dramatically normalized (see the black circle markers on the interactive view). This single person experiment was monitored by J. Michael Uszler M.D. at Santa Monica Imaging.


In addition to the MB12 recovery videos at , there are hundreds of reports on our health web listserve and a short public list as well. Literally tens of thousands of people are reporting on the benefits of supplementing with MB12.


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